Friday night was scary because we took his oxygen off so he could go in the bathroom and then we he came out and put his oxygen monitor back on it went way down again and he started having a huge coughing fit and nurses were in and out and then the pediatric resident was in there. They had to turn up his oxygen up to 5.5 liters and the highest is six before you need a mask. Then they had someone from respitory therapy come in and pretty much pound on his chest every two hours. This was so hard to watch, poor Caleb.
Saturday was a little better, and he slept pretty well during the night. Meghan also has had a fever and nasty cough as well so while I was at the hospital my mom, sister and Bart were helping me out. They took Meghan to the Dr. on Saturday and they told them to come back on Sunday if she got worse or stayed the same. My mom watched Meg and Hayley Saturday night and she said Meghan was up all night coughing. The Dr. ordered her an x-ray and turns out she has pneumonia too in her lower left lung. Thankfully we caught it in time and she is on antibotics.
Now we are all home, and getting some much needed rest. I haven't had a full night's sleep in a week. I am hopefully looking forward to them getting better and things returning to normal around here. Pneumonia is not contagious, unless it's viral but some how Meghan and Caleb both got it...maybe it's a twin thing. LOL
Look at my poor little guy!