- Getting Caleb and Meghan off to school.
- Having coffee and get on the internet.
- Hayley wakes up. She has breakfast and we play and watch cartoons.
- Time to fix lunch.
- Hayley brushes teeth and then goes down (hopefully) for a nap.
- I get the kids off the bus.
- We do homework. Then Caleb and Meg either go to gram's or play here.
- I take out all their snow stuff, hang it up, put mittens on heater to dry, clean out their lunchbox.
- Hayley wakes up.
- I start dinner.
- We eat dinner, and then the kids have some chill time before bed.
- Bath & showers
- Snack, read books, brush teeth.
- Caleb and Meg go to bed.
- Hayley and I read books, then brush teeth and Hayley is off to bed.
- I clean up from dinner, pick up the house, and watch some TV or go online.
- Go to bed.
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
3 years ago