Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Hayley loves babies. At first I thought it was just a phase of taking her "babies" to bed with her. It started with one baby but now she has 3 in her crib with her at night. Meghan was never like this as a baby and still isn't that interested in babies. I thought that it was just a comfort item for Hayley. Well the other day I went to the neighbors to get Caleb and Meghan who were playing on the swingset. There was a baby on the ground and I let Hayley play with it while we were watching. Then when it was time to go and give the baby back to the neighbor kid, Hayley would not let go for the life of her. I had to pry it out of her hands and she is strong! After I got it back I gave it to the neighbor girl and Hayley proceeded to cry and have a huge fit like I have never heard. It continued for about 10 minutes after coming in the house too.

When we went to the mall this past weekend, Bart brought the kids in to the toy store and I went to look and try on some clothes. When I met up with him later, he said that when he got to a certain part of the store Hayley would cry and have a fit. He finally figured out that it was because she saw the baby dolls. She sure shows her temper when she wants something!


Autumn said...

That is too sweet. Heather LOVES babies too...really all stuffed animals become babies. :) I can't believe how big Hayley is! Just beautiful!!

SouffleBombay said...

oooh, how prescious, I miss that age :) Love your header picture!